

Reflections are short essays that take a stab at an interesting subject. Many of these topics are religious, while others have nothing to do with religion at all. Still others only touch on religious themes on the way to dealing with a broader concern.

The tone is never, I hope, dogmatic. Instead, each reflection is meant to be suggestive. Each has required much thought from the writer; perhaps the reader will be motivated to explore the same questions the writer has. The intent is not to provide “the answer” to a problem, but rather to prompt all of us, including the writer, to think more carefully, more deeply, and above all, more slowly.

We live in a world of hasty judgement, in a culture short on patience, in which our emotions often drive us too quickly to fixed and rigid opinion. Slowing down and bringing a bit of humility to our ambitious desire to make sense of other people, and of the world and its problems, can only benefit us all.

Just The Stories Please

Featured, Reflections

How do we understand all the big words found in theology? By coming down to earth and looking at the everyday lives of believers.
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Just The Stories Please

Featured, Reflections

How do we understand all the big words found in theology? By coming down to earth and looking at the everyday lives of believers.
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As our life stretches out, measured in years when we are young, then in decades as we age, our perspective on the past changes. Even the distant events that occurred before we were born seem not so far in the past.
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We find many obstacles to faith; some are found in religious doctrine, but others we erect within ourselves, in our heart and mind. What is it like when these barriers finally fall away, opening the door to new life? Here's my story.
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Body And Soul


Are we losing our practice of caring for and nourishing the spiritual side of life?
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Just Enough Money


How much is enough is a question that we often hear. How much money? How many possessions? How expensive a house? How do we balance our seemingly endless desire for more with the Christian demand for generosity?
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On The Outside Looking In


The bridge between different faiths often seems, well - unbridgeable. Is this really true? Is following a faith tradition really just about beliefs and practices? Isn’t the experience of the believer bound to differ from tradition to tradition?
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Young and Old


Young and old stand at opposite ends of adulthood.
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Reading As A Whole Body Experience


Reading is so often a drudgery. And when it’s not dull, it often angers us. But when we open ourselves to the words of an author, the experience can go beyond the eye and the mind, and animate our inmost self, even our body.
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Religion and The Religious


Religion is often criticized because of the failings of individual believers. But the misbehavior of the religious tells us nothing about the religion itself. To understand a faith, we must look beyond those who struggle to meet its demands. We must look at the religion itself, and ask if its beliefs and practices speak to us.
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How well do we fulfill the command to love our neighbors? For that matter, do we even know our neighbors?
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Where Is Up?


Mountains draw our eyes upward and for Christians this means up toward heaven. But for believers living in the modern world, doesn’t this present a challenge?
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Verses, Verses Everywhere


The bible is composed of almost forty thousand verses, all full of meaning. Yet by focusing on one verse at a time, we lose much of what scripture is trying to tell us.
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Be Quick To Observe And Slow To Judge


Can we avoid the hasty judgements that so often distort our choices and our beliefs about each other? Can we anchor ourselves more deeply into the solid earth of reason and reflection?
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A Humble Ambition


Humility and ambition seem like polar opposites. Can we harness them together in pursuit of a worthy goal?
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Where Have All The Questions Gone?


Today much of the world is darkened by hatred, driven by ideology and politics. Can we recapture our childhood curiosity and drive back the darkness with questions?
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