

The image of a mountain, whether glimpsed in real life, or seen in a photograph, often awakens in us thoughts of our own struggles, perhaps to climb to a higher level of competence in our work, to behave more responsibly in a relationship, or to recover from a shattering personal experience. In each case we are called to struggle upward to some higher station in life.


Images like the mountain, taken from the world outside ourselves, speak to us deeply. They serve as metaphors and resonate within because we are not merely physical beings. Instead, we live out our lives and experience the world at a deeper, inner level, from the vantage of mind, heart, and soul. It is in this inner region of our self that these visual metaphors speak so powerfully to us.


The world offers an inexhaustible supply of such images, springing up like flowers, often in surprising times and places. Many we barely notice, but others speak too clearly to ignore. I have chosen those images that call out to me with a clear voice, that strike deeply and personally. I hope they also speak to the reader.

Chasing the Ball


Children dash and run wildlly in pursuit of most anything. Luckily we adults are much more sober and disciplined in our pursuits. Or are we?
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The Fortress On The Plain


In earlier times, no matter how deep the divides in our culture ran, a sense of community and shared belief still united us. But today we are torn and split apart, living in a world where each hostile faction has built a fortress for itself and hides within its walls.
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A Fly Trapped in Amber


The image of the trapped and immobilized fly, long dead yet somehow preserved, seems remote to most of us. Yet many people live a life where they feel trapped and immobilized by circumstance and misfortune.
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The Solitary Voyager


We journey through life surrounded by powerful ideas, ideas that take the shape of religious beliefs, political ideologies, or even social causes. Each seeks to draw us into its orbit. Will we manage to steer clear of their powerful attraction, to retain our independence? Or will we find that one idea draws us in and becomes the center of our existence?
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